Patna: Ex-Bihar Chief Minister Dr. Jagannath Mishra wrote to Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh for provision making it mandatory for state governments to use the Central Government’s fund meant for welfare of minorities. Mishra has written in the light of the facts that while the Centre has sanctioned Rs 2600 crores for minorities the state governments are not bothering to use the amount.
“Last year government has allotted Rs. 1749 crores for Minority welfare which has been increased this year to Rs. 2600 crores. Of them Rs. 1204 crore is exclusively for development of 90 Minority concentrated districts while last year Rs. 869.5 was allotted for the same purpose. But unfortunately, there has not seen any impact of that amount because state governments did not show their interest to use the amount for the progressive works. Only five states have worked in this regard,” the former Bihar chief minister wrote and urged for provision to make use of centre’ minority welfare fund mandatory for states.
“Therefore, I request you to bring a provision which makes mandatory for state governments to use the central amounts for Minority welfare” Mishra wrote in the letter.
He also urged the centre to fully implement Sachar and Mishra Commission reports to better the social, educational and economical condition of Muslims.
"Sachar committee disclosed the fact that Muslims are worse compared to other citizens. Mishra Commission has submitted its report three years back recommending reservation to Muslims but no initiative has been taken to implement these reports. Government is making ifs and buts and has failed to ensure development work for Minorities especially Muslims"he said. He also urged PM to monitor the schemes run for Minority welfare and to ensure their implementation at grass roots.
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